
Recycle and repair

Give your electronics a second chance: explore beyond selling with our recycling and repair guidance.

When selling isn't an option, recycling is a path to responsibility

Not every electronic product is destined for resale, but each one can still make a positive impact. If selling your product isn't the best option, recycling offers a responsible and impactful alternative. Here's why it's a meaningful choice:

Eco-friendly impact

Keep hazardous materials out of landfills and help conserve precious resources. Your decision to recycle plays a crucial part in protecting our planet.

Embracing the circular economy

Recycling is more than just disposal; it's about participating in a sustainable cycle, reducing the need for new materials, and supporting global sustainability efforts.

Small steps, big changes

Each product you recycle contributes to a larger movement against electronic waste, making a real difference in our environmental footprint.

Recycling with purpose: it's not the end, but a new beginning for your electronics.

Start your recycling journey

While we're gearing up to offer direct recycling services on Valyuu, there are still convenient ways for you to make a positive environmental impact.

Have extra electronics lying around while you're selling a product on Valyuu? Simply pack them together. We'll handle the recycling at no extra cost to you. Just use the same package and the prepaid label we provide.

You can drop off your old electronics at any e-waste container near you. It's a simple way to ensure your electronics are recycled responsibly and effectively.

Repair: the smart choice for your unsellable products

When resale isn't the best fit for your product, consider repair as a valuable alternative. Repairing can revitalise your electronics, offering numerous advantages:

Sustainable continuity

Opting to repair can significantly reduce environmental impact compared to buying new – a win for both the planet and your wallet.

Cost-effective solution

Repairing can be a more economical choice, saving you money while extending the life of your product.

Repairing isn't just fixing; it's renewing and preserving.

Join the movement towards a greener futures